LED or Light Emitting Diode

LED or Light Emitting Diode

LEDs were invented in the late 60 early 70 and typically used only on instrumentation panels to indicate “on or off” status. After the 70s they were used more frequently in computers due to their low power consumption and again for simple binary read outs


A Bief History

After a while after the technology and thin layer coatings were perfected in what is known as spin technology and vacuum technology ultra-thin layers could be obtained and phosphorescent coatings of negative and positive, materials could be applied with a positive and negative materials, and once charged with a small amount of voltage about 12v and as little as .01ma of current, they could cut very small rectangles out of a 6” disk and fuse leads on the small 1/8”x 3/16 squares and produce a significant amount of light out of a small area that can emulate the sun on a light cloudy day, with not much energy so you can now buy a light to fit into your favorite reading lamp that is a 100W equivalent that only uses 14 actual watts of energy! That means the LED is using only 1/5th of the power!

Savings opportunities are enormous!

Now you experience this the savings along with the “feelings”. There is some evidence that the light spectrum we are exposed to can affect our moods. Because LED-White is part of the Bright Light Color Spectrum Emitted the light mimics that of the Sun. So you get a broader Spectrum of light energy.

And it only gets better! You have the bonus of all the light and none of the heat that is so typical of a incandescent bulb that uses a filament that glows and gets hot like a heater. New LED lights generate very little heat. And since most light bulbs self-destruct (damaging themselves due to the heat they generate), LED life spans are remarkably long. The natural by-product is they also have lesser affect on your home or office.

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