Dryer Vent Cleaning
I can Clean / Replace, your vents for a reasonable price on sale this month for $149.99 and make it SAFE, a wise and tax deductible expense to your crucial home Investment.
Among many Seasonal odd jobs to be done one of the most important is cleaning the dryer vent.
If you do not believe me call your local fire department and ask one of the dispatchers how many runs they make to extinguish dryer fires, every year. Most firemen will reinforce this when they are on scene, on the news, at a home fire where a dryer vent is the point of origin for a fire.
Its works like this
Even if you go to your hardware store and spend 40.00 it’s a cheap insurance policy to keep your castle safe! Clean and inspect the dryer vent every year during daylight saving time. Preferably an all steel length of dryer duct, from your dryer appliance to the outside of your home with the vent facing down with the flapper and hood, and the better ones have the caged basket to keep birds and other critters out, but you have to remember to clean it more often if you are using that style.
Many people don’t know the inside of the dryer vent looks a lot like one of those open flame space heaters. To goal is keep this appliance from igniting the lint that can gather on the interior. I’ve have taken quite a few dryers apart to clean the insides (which can be just a bad as the dryer vent its self).
You may have noticed that appliance makers have constructed the dryer with a heavy metal body as well as heavy interior parts. This greatly reduces the risk of fire. However there is one weak link – the VENT. This is often constructed of thin metal or plastic, which does not discriminate where the flame may escape if ignited.
Dryer vent fires are nothing short of frightening!
From 6 foot tibes next to the exterior vent to 20 foot runs that are enclosed in the structure of the home, these can be devastating. Please take time to have these cleaned professionally.
Some of the less desirable options are the plastic slinky. These can burn through quickly.
In my opinion, a good choice is flexible aluminum, that kind of bends and stretches. These are kind of thin but will hold up while you can call 911 for the fire department.
The best is the solid Steel / Aluminum with the single seam up the middle
Always have a fire extinguisher in the laundry area. And the kitchen as well.